This course bundle offers 6 hours of motorization related training pertaining to the following topics:
Introduction to Hardwiring for Motorizationby O’D McKewan Learn the basic and some advanced techniques for specifying and installing hardwired motorization.
Battery Powered Motorization by O’D McKewanLearn the difference between the different types of battery powered systems including Replaceable, Rechargeable, and Solar Kits
Plug In Powered Motorization by O’D McKewan Learn the difference between the different types of plug in powered systems including transformers, power supplies, and distribution panels.
Voice Activated Motorizationby O’D McKewan Become comfortable with how voice activation works and when you can offer it to your clients.
Roller Shades Part 2 – Motorization by O’D McKewan
We will discuss the proper selection of motors, power supplies and control options.
What Language Do Your Motors Speak? by O’D McKewan
With the vast motorization options available and every changing technology, do you know what the current languages are? This class will teach you the current languages and what talks to what.